Speaker break in?

Does anyone know what the break in process is all about? Myth or fact? What is being broken in? Is there an optimum break in time? Low volume or high volume? I would appreciate feedback. My Revels (M20s) did sound better after a period of time. Why? The M20s sounded so much better than my previous speakers; I'm not sure if they were getting better or I'm just hearing more. Anyone with first hand experience? Set me free Audiogoners...
thanks in advance,
Bufus, you do that 29-day test with a pair of speakers. Let me know the store location so I can then go in and buy them as "open-box"! :^0
I own German Audioplay five-way speakers. When I received them 8 years ago, they sounded just awful for several weeks: Bass was slummy, middles and highs shrill. All that went away with break-in, and they turned out to be execellent speakers with every kind of music. A year ago I put them away when I bought my first Shahinian speakers (Obelisk) - and later settled for the Shahinian Diapason. As the Diapason subwoofer is away with a restaurator to refurbish the wood, I plugged in the Audioplay speakers a month ago. Again, having had a good year's rest, they sounded awful. And sure enough, after two weeks of playing, they start to sound musically again as I write this.
4yanx, I would like to try that experiment but I can't bring myself to do it. You do it.
Oh, you sounded like you were speaking with the voice of experience there, Bufus. Actually, my post was left in jest. I could never do such to even the surliest of audio salesmen.