Need a "short list" of best Subwoofers for M.L.'s

Hello out there!

I'm looking for the best possible brand, size, etc. of subwoofer that would be the best "blend" to augment my Martin Logan Odyssey's. (Let's keep it to the "powered" category for simplicity's sake :)

Thanks to any & all!
Look for something with a nice low system Q (no higher than 1, preferably .5) well-damped, with a tank-like cabinet-that'll give you that subjectively 'fast' bass.
I would say the Ml Descent. I love the way it sounds with my Requests. I am going to buy another one for my surround system I am so happy with the match.
Try to audition the Descent. I purchased one, now I use two, ML Descents and they provide really tight bass.

I'm happy using my Storm with my Odysseys! If I had it to do over again I'd buy the Descent, it wasn't avaiable when I bought my Rel.