Cheap Panels...MMG's or Apogee Centaur Minors??


I'm looking to buy an inexpensive and "small" panel speaker. I was thinking about the Maggie MMG, or I can buy a mint pair of Centaur Minors for the same price.

Which way would you go?

I'll be powering them with a Forte Model 4 amp.

Thanks for your insight.
Definitely go with the Apogees although I think you might want to consider going for a pair of Duettas. I have seen them as low as $600 this year. Here is the URL for the Apogee users group:

I've never seen Duettas in great shape sell so low. I just sold a mint Stage for $1200 and there was a buyer for $1400 in the wings. It may be a blue moon before you can get a mint full range Apogee for $599. Just last year I saw someone buying a Centaurus for a thousand. I'd say go for it.
I do have excellents results with a pair of FINAL 0.3 (hybrids) purchased direct last summer for $1200.00. Give them a try.
Best of luck,
I'll admit that $600 is an infrequent price for Duettas but a pair of mint Signatures sold here in Portland for just that about 10 months ago. Two months later a pair of Duetta IIs in very good condition also sold for $700 in Salem. Perserverance and patience.... in the mean time don't pass up a good deal. Audiogon is the best "one stop trading" site but newspapers from major urban areas can yield some surprising deals.
