B&W vs Thiel vs Dunlavy 6K LIST

Just curious about these speaker brands in general and how they sound compared to each other. I own Thiel but have not listened to B&W or Dunlavy. Thanks.
Hi S2K Dude,

While I certainly hate to buy based upon others opinions, I have found that personal experiance can mislead also. I have heard B&Ws at one dealer, and I was completely unimpressed with them. I later heard them at a second dealers and was amazed, they were nothing like I heard before... I'm not sure you know anything till you live with them in your system for a time...
B&W Nautilus 802's can sound awesome with a good, well-run-in setup, particularly with digital speaker correction. I don't perceive any of the shortcomings pointed out in the other posts in my setup. I should point out that none of the dealer demos I've heard really showcased what the N802 is capable of so I understand where many of the negative comments are coming from.
Hi Lpim,

I hear you, that is a MAJOR problem. I have heard B&W's that I know I like, but due to their setup they were COMPLETELY unimpressive. Digital speaker correction? Is that where you re-record CD's to make the B&W's time coherent?



Digital correction is used to take out the room anomalies. Every room has reflection and dead spots in them that make the speakers sound the way the do based on the room and set-up. Do you have any sound treatments in your room? They can make a big difference without the large cost of digital correction. All of the speakers talk about sound great...I've never heard Avalons, but those reviewed have had very positive press. Enjoy the quest of finding the right speaker or system that YOU truly enjoy. That's why we are all here.
