B W Matrix 805s vs Nautilus 805s

Im thinking about upgrading to the N805.
Are the N805 much better that the M805s???
My system consist of:::::ARAGON 24K...PREAMP
Danz, the Nautilus 805s are much better, then the Matrix 805 speakers. The Nautilus sound more articulate and sweeter. I'm using the Nautilus 805 speakers with the Velodyne ULD 15 sub. This combo sounds awesome. The best speakers BW Makes, is the Nautilus 801, Nautilus 802 and the Nautilus 805 with a good sub. The Nautilus 805 with a good sub, will blow away the Nautilus 803 and 804.
Danz, Twilo is not very imfomative. The N805 are no where near as good as the n803. The n805s are great and with a sub equal to a n804. n803 are a fullrange speaker where the 805s are not. The n801 and n802 are not the best speakers b&w make. The nautilis 800 and the actual nautilis are the top of the line. So money is the deciding factor and your ears. Good Luck
Lev335, I know exactly what i'm talking about. I A/Bed the Nautilus 803 speakers to the Nautilus 805s with the Velodyne ULD 15 sub. I was shocked how much better the 805s with the Velodyne sub were. Thats why i bought this combo. The Nautilus 803 are not good. The bass is terrible and the bass does not blend in with the Midrange tweeter part. Plus this speaker is to laid back. The Nautilus 802s are light years better then the Nautilus 803s. The bass is superior on the 802s and the Bass blends in so much better on the Nautilus 802s. How BW could make this Nautilus 803 speaker for 5000 dollars, that use 2 6 1/2 midbase drivers as woofers. Instead of using 2 6 1/2 midbase drivers as woofers. They should have used a 10 inch or 12 inch woofer.
Twilo, Chill out!! There is no way the 805s @2,000 come even close to the n803s everyone who has ever tried the two says the same. Stop arguing the truth please. Call B&W they will tell you the same thing. Think about what your saying. Maybe its the equipment your using? Or your dealer? No offense. I tried the n805s with a rel sub and then the 803 and the rel sub went to the lowest bass notes. The n803 sounded better on a whole. And no one would buy a pair of n805 over a pair of n803s because they sound better it would be a room issue to buy the 805s. Listen I agree the n802s are better but they dont blow the n803s away. They have better bass thats for sure. They also have a little more resolution than the n803s because of the enclosed midrange which the n803 also has an enclosed midrange but it is done inside the cabinet. Also the 802s are $8,000 and the 803s are $5,000 and you say the 802s are light years better then the 803s? Then the 803s at $5,000 and the 805s at $2,000 makes the 803s light years better than the 805s? Think about what your saying. Also if you think the n803s are laid back then what do you think of your n805s? Its the same sonic signature in the entire line.It would be a good idea if you had a long talk with a B&W rep. What do use for gear? I use:
Mark Levinson 39
Krell FPB 200c
Harmonic Tech. Cables
Maybe its a synergy thing. Maybe the gear I use is a very good combination with my speakers I dont know. But it sounds awesome. And Iam sure your system sounds great too.