B W N801,802 are the best for Plinius?

I went to audition B&W 801,802 with a buddy over the weekend and boy...was I impressed. They were using all ML products, e.g. CD transport, DAC, pre and Monoblock amps, etc. They were using the transparent XL reference cable and I was told that cost as much as the 801 speakers. The whole setup was close to 100k. Probably more than what I can afford in my lifetime on sound system.

Now back to my question: I have the following:

Plinius CD-LAD pre-amp
Plinius SA-250 power amp
Harmonic Technology Pro-silway II Interconnects
MIT MH-750 Shotgun bi-wire speakre cables

I'm going to get Sony SCD-1 CD-player soon.

Does this look like a good combination with N801/802? If not, what speakers will you recommend?

Any comment helps.
I love Plinius equipment with the B&W 802's. A year ago I spent a lot of time researching electronics with the 802's. I listened to ML, Krell, Proceed and others, but really liked Plinius. I ended up with Plinius M16 pre-amp and the SA-100III amp.
I'm looking for warm mid range and strong but controlled base. I like female vocal and string instruments especially acoustic guitar.

Question for Mickeyj, is the SA-100III amp enough to drive the 802? HOw does it sound?

Any more comments about my system is welcomed. Please let me know if there is something else I can do/change to improve my system even more.
