VTL TT25's with Coincident Triumph Signatures???

I have a somewhat large room (15x25 w/ vaulted ceilings) and am wondering what you think of this combination. Will I have enough power? I don't need to shake the foundations but I do want to "feel" the music with dynamic extension in reserve.

VTL Tiny Triodes (25 or 45 watts)
Coincident Triumph Signatures
Vandersteen 2WQ subwoofer (built-in 300w amp)

Your thoughts are greatly appreciated.
I have a pair of Triumph UHS with the Revelator tweeters and internal wiring upgrades that i have used with the following amps(no sub):
Wright-Sound Mono8=Not enough juice
SF Power 1=LOUD
and am now using
Dynaco ST70 SeriesII by the Panor Corp.=35 watts with no problem with it not being loud enough.

A great little speaker with more bass than you would think.
Thanks Bigbry. You're not running a sub, are you? I don't have any experience with subs but I'm thinking if I match the Triumphs with a quality sub like the Vandyersteen I would have good weight and low end impact in my room while relieving the TT25's of the power drain required to drive the low frequencies. What do you think? Another option would be the the Quicksilver M-60's.
I don't require massive amounts of bass.
I've been very staisfied with the bass I'm getting straight out of the Triumphs with my Panor Dynaco.

Have you thought about the passive sub that Israel Bloom makes specifically for the Triumph???They cost 995.00 for the pair.But I would have my doubts if 25 watts would be enough for the passive application.Give the wild man,Israel,a call at Coincident and see what he sez.I've talked to him a few times.I like him.

A great pair of speakers that I doubt I will ever sell.
Take care.