newform research 645

I have 645s.They sound as advertised with my aloia amp set up.I have tube bug. I listen mostly to jazz vocals like krall,barber and eva cassidy.I love lots of air and soundstage depth.I want to try tube amp $3000 new or used with passive pre amp.I like hearing voices sounding wet sounding.
In your response to vocals to jazz and just listening to jazz--I listen to it all, everything. I've tried many a speaker but have never been fully satisfied. I stumbled onto this designer about 2 hours from home and was mesmerized, awestruck--whatever you call it. I had wanted to buy his demo right then and there. The best sound I ever heard, ever! Lucky you, he's moving to a bigger shop and must sell all equipment at cost or below cost. Terrific deals on what I feel is the best speaker made. There is just no comparing them, you'll need to talk with him in person to get a better feel for what I'm trying to explain--and you won't regret it. He's also the most honest guy there is--no cheating, lying, not in his book like there is in many others. His name is Roy Johnson, and phone is 1-719-636-2500 Colorado Springs, CO.
Good luck, oh, I bought the Continuum 2.0 and have never even thought about buying anything else, which is highly unusual for me. Give it a try.
Try the EAR 534 amp - low maintenance - level controls for each channel - balanced ins - can be mono. Looks good with the chrome finish.