Martin Logan SL-3 positioning

I knew these speakers were difficult to position when I bought them. Does anyone have any suggestions for set up (read tricks)? I live in an apartment right now so the room is limited but I want toget the most out of the speaker I can.
The manual is online at ML -
I own Aeruis i, but the cardas website has been very useful for me. they give you a formula they use with measurements from your room. Its worked for me. I keep my speakers about 3' from the rear wall and tilt in about 25 degrees. With the spikes I raised the rear of the speakers. It works for me.
Have also been re-positioning SL3's for 4 years. Due to room constraint, I have them 2.5 feet from back wall. The toe in is only SLIGHT towards the sweet spot. Plenty of room on the sides. My power cords have been instrumental in tweaking the sound.I have gone from too much bass to a more balanced sound. Contemplating a REL sub woofer for the low bass notes the SL3 cannot due.Get a copy of the manual. Martin-Logan will send you a copy.