Rock and Roll Speakers

I have been down the audio hi fi road for about 5 years now. Spent more money than my wife will ever know about( if i want to live ) have a large listening room 19x24x9. I like loud rock and roll, I have great tastes in music from braums, to miles davis, sonny rollins, herbie handcock to the new alternative bands. I like to go to clubs and hear live music. According to bound for sound I like to listen to amplified music that is reproduced. They said to buy some mini monitors and a good sub. I have spent $$$$ and bought the ML quest, gallo ref 1's, platinum audio ref 2's Ml monolith 2's and even some exotic german physiks boarderland's with the DDD. All have their great strengths but I really dont love any of them. Love the sound and feel of the esl, gallos were ok, the German Physiks are the finest of all, almost angelic, but I miss the sock it in your gut feeling. In the past I played in some college bands and when I grow up I would like to be a studio engineer, I know what sound I like but havent found it yet. I live in a very rural area and cant audition alot of equipment. For electronics I have the Burmester 956 250w amp, Meridian 541 processor, 518, and 506.20cd and nbs cables. What I want is it to pass the ac/dc test. Dont call it crude music but if i have spent 35-45k on equipment I want it to do what I want it to do. I like quality and dont mind paying for it. I have listened to the Revel Studios, Legacy Focus, liked both but what about long term (years) enjoyment. Any thoughts about the Von S 7's or the Dunluvy 5 or 6's. I want a large sound and large volume but to be able to enjoy the old smokey 2am jazz after a hard day.
The Bound for Sound review a while back of PBN speakers made me think they might be a worthy contender for rock and roll. Good thread, and good luck. Let us know what you discover.
Kelton, I too love rock and a bit of jazz and blues. I'm using Aerial 10Ts with Krell amps (cast). I love it, and it definitely fulfills my hard rock desires which sound similar to yours. I've gone the monitor and sub route. The 10Ts offer the point source with the head in a synthetic rock material containing the tweeter and mid speakers. The large woofer base takes care of the rest. Awesome! Yeah, it would have no problem passing the ac/dc test either IMHO. Your Burmeister amp will be just fine with them. Give them a listen, and try to do it with your amp. I think they're a bit too heavy to bring home for a listen there.
I recommend you get your hands on a pair of NHT 3.3's. Awfully hard to beat in their price range. They are simply superb at high decibel in your face type music...Highly recommended!
"but I miss the sock-it-in-your-gut feeling"... Kelton I think what you're missing is 'Dynamics' which is what differentiates live-performances from the reproduced. Horn speakers will give you the speed & dynamic punch that you crave. Now alot of 'philes cringe at the sound of horns, (and I agree they have some undesirable colorations, but that's tweakable to a significant extent). I haven't heard the Avant Gardes (someone spell this correctly for me please?) but the reviews are superb, albiet they're pricey. I've been in love with my Klipsh for >20 years despite the 'horns-sound' which I've become accustomed to. Belle Klipsch or the LaScalas will work if you don't have corners available for Klipschorns, and they're designed to work close to backwalls (vs. sitting out in the middle of the living room) and are available pretty cheaply when you can find them. [See also:] Old JBL's or Altec's would work too, but probably considered even less "high-end" than Klipsch (which many will argue isn't even high-end at all either). My Belles list at $4500/pr. which isn't exactly KMart. With only 2 watts output, I get LOUD punchy & dynamic rock (nb. Dire Straits) at >105db SPL. Using a 200w/ch amp, the sky's the limit... Amp On!