Avantgarde Uno Loudspeakers: Comments?

Hi, Has anyone here tried the above speakers ? any comments someone can make? is it really that good compared to other ordinary box speakers? Thanks,
The Avantgarde speakers are the closest to concert sound I have experienced. They involve you in the music to a degree other don't...for me anyway. This includes the major $38,000 speakers they replaced. These comment come after living with the Uno for a year. They bring out detail in TV and especially DVD movies which adds a major degree of realism. They are fun to look at and every visitor wants to hear them. Try to audition them. I'd be glad to tell you more. cfjohn@home.com Good luck Chuck
The nice thing about this speaker line is that they are very efficient which means you can use very low powered amps, especially Single Ended triodes, that will give you crystal clear midranges and extended clear top ranges.
It is very exciting to listen to the Avantgardes. It is like going to a concert for the first time and hearing dynamics that you cannot normally hear in your home audio system. I recommend very highly if you like music to thrill and emotionally involve you. As far as SET amps are concerned, I have tried powerfull push/pull amps on them and the 12 watt Viva Sintesi integrated blows it away. Unbelievable soundstage, detail and deep controled bass. I think it is the finest combination available as do many other Avantgarde owners.