Talon Loudspeakers

Has anybody heard the Talon loudspeakers? Any thoughts? Especially the Talon Peregrine speakers ($6,000). Thanks.
Carl: As soon as invent NEW jargon, I'll use it to explain things to you. Also, there is no way to compare it to any other speaker on the market. From the tone of your message, you will not like to hear this... but, once you really listen to them for an extended period, you will know what I mean. Any owner of these speakers (including myself) will say the same... 'descriptions' of the sound are inadequate to express just how must fun it is to have discovered this speaker.
Carl, I own the Khorus' in one of my systems. The bass response is simply the fastest and most articulate I have ever heard. There is no hangover of notes. The mids and highs are light and airy and they are absolutely seamlessly integrated with the bass. The soundstage and imaging are fabulous the speakers completely disappear. I still own VonSchweikert VR6's. No slouch of a loudspeaker. Yet the Talons match the VSR mid and high liquidity with the BEST bass I have ever heard. Carl they are quite captivating. I'm driving them with Lamm monoblocks fed by a Resolution Audio CD 50 via all Kimber Select cables. These speakers are good
Acuujim: Did you buy your Khorus new? How did they sound right out of the box. I've heard a friend's, and they are constricted and wooly in the midrange. I'm told this goes away after an extensive break-in. I also own VR6s, and right now they are not even close to their equal. I also own Magnepan 1.6QRs, which are much faster than the Talons. So what's up?
Mr. Crazy, you don't need to invent any new language, because you can't even use English, no offense. I knew you couldn't articulate any descriptive phrases for this speaker, and I am now laughing heartily at you. Thanks so much, I needed a good chuckle!
Acujim, I appreciate that at least you could describe the sound quality of these speakers. OK, so they have a "fast" bass, that's nice. Most any speaker can have "fast" bass, with decent room setup. Either of my cone or planar speakers have unbelievably fast bass, besides the other attributes of these Talons you name. I think YOU ALL need to hear my system...Yesterday, I heard a system at a dealer that costed 6 times what mine costs, but mine sounded like a million dollars by comparison. Perhaps we are all biased by what we like, but I submit that my system is radically more transparent than most, because I know how to set up a room acoustically. I want to hear what's on the recording, and not the room's echo. The room echo at this dealer gave me all the transparency of a boombox on a Wal Mart display shelf...And no, I won't name this dealer (he didn't make me overly angry, so there's no need to roast him on here). Besides, ALL dealers I've ever visited don't know jack shack about setting up a room acoustically...