Talon Loudspeakers

Has anybody heard the Talon loudspeakers? Any thoughts? Especially the Talon Peregrine speakers ($6,000). Thanks.
Hey Phill you have made yourself perfectly clear so quit flogging a dead horse and move on.
Phill, is 06896 your real zip code? If so, I take everything back I ever posted about "Joe". Will you adopt me?
I reckon me & Acuujim are just a couple of idiots in idiot land on idiots get in free day. But we sure are enjoying great sound. What ya think Acuujim. I need some oceanfront property in Tenn. by the way. But need financing from Phill or maybe Joco since he seems to have so much $$$ and since I've spent all my $$$ on speakers.
...and all the $$$ I have left are my dues for the Audiophile Idiots Club. Life is good.