Amp to drive PSB Goldi ??

Am interested in a good amp to drive the PSB Goldi. Considering these used amps: 1. B&K 4420 225 Watt/Ch approx $600.00 2. NAD 218THX 225 Watt/Ch $570.00 3. Bryston 4B-ST $1800.00 4. Odesyee Stratus $900.00 Am using a B&K PT-3 preamp/tuner and was thinking that the B&K amp would somehow match better??? Anyway, I need help! Thanks
After much---MUCH experimentation in the realm of reasonably-priced, solid-state amps, I can advise that the most pleasing results were had in conjuction with the Belles 150A Hot Rod amp. My listening room is 25x23x16(ceiling height). Please feel free to email me if you are interested in more details.
There is one word you need to keep in mind above all others with this speaker, CURRENT. Most people have NO idea how difficult a load this speaker actually presents. That means big solid state, which you understand. Tube amps need not apply. In my opinion, the best match(price/performance) in your list for this speaker is the NAD. NAD amps have no problems driving extremely difficult loads, and going into WAYY low impedences. At your higher price level, I would suggest one amplifier that makes a very synergistic match with the Goldi, the Carver Lightstar or Sunfire by Bob Carver(same amp under their skins). They drive the heck out of the Goldi. You will not be disappointed. Also add McCormack to the Bryston price level, but the Sunfire/Lightstar are DEFINITELY the best amps in your price range. If you have not yet purchased the speakers, I can put you in contact with a guy who sells them new for what most sell them for used.
Trelja, Thank you for your response. I would be interested in your contact. I was looking at a used pair in the $1500 range. Any help would be greatly appriciated.