Amplifier with Watt/Puppies 6s

Between Pass Labs X-600s or ML 33Hs, does anyone have an opinion as to which sounds better when paired with Watt/Puppies 6s? Have heard 33Hs controls bass better, is quicker, and is slightly more neutral.
Marlec: Where did you hear this comparison? I have been trying to find a dealer that carries both Pass Labs and Levinson and there is only one that I could find and he leaned heavily to the Pass Labs equipment.
Marlec: Where did you hear this comparison? I have been trying to find a dealer that carries both Pass Labs and Levinson and there is only one that I could find and he leaned heavily to the Pass Labs equipment.
This was not a dealer demo. Rather, a loan of the PS monobblocks to a friend with an existing ML and W/P system. Apologies for the delay in reply.