Great amp for Aerial 10t's

I am seriously considering purchasing the Aerial 10'ts. After reading that you must use very good quality ancilary equipment with these speakers, and considering that they can be somewhat bright with the wrong amp, can anyone recommend a pre and power amp that will make these speakers sing?
I have 10t's. Everything has it's place with these speakers. They'll show you how bad your cables are. I'm using BAT VK-D5 tube CD player, Audio Research SP-11 tube preamp, either Classe M-1000 monos or Levinson ML-3 amp. 10t's won't even come alive with less than 200w/channel. Amps that double their power output as ohmage drops will give the best results. I'm using Nordost Quattro Fil between CD/Preamp and MIT MH350CVT shotgun (20ft) between preamp/amp(s) and Transparent Music Wave Ultra speaker cable. I listened to different speakers for over a year before I made my decision. 10t's IMHO can smoke many speakers twice the price, if the rest of your system is up to the task. Paul
Not to muddy the waters too much. I have heard 10Ts driven very well by 60 wpc tube amps (Audiomat, Equilibre) and have been amazed (not enough to buy). I know that the 10Ts are reputed to like lots of power, but this challenges that theory. BTW, got the Audiomat got the DBL to 105 with no strain or clipping (volume pod only 1/3 the way). Go figure!
I live right near Aerial Acoustics and have heard them on many occasions and I have to say that they are probably the easily load out there. They are 4 ohms but are basically perfectly flat. I have had success as well with a 70 watt Conrad-Johnson Premier 11a tube amp. But I have also heard them with a 350 watt Levinson. And I have to admit. That if your buying these speakers for what they do best, which is playing full scale orchestra pieces such as The Pines of Rome at orchestral levels then more power is always welcome. It makes the speaker sound more relaxed. I've been able to clip a 600 watt Krell with these speakers at peaks before. But then again I'm satisfied with a 70 watt CJ tube amp. So its just up to personal perferance on how loud you listen to. but either is okay
Have 10t's with a Spectron digital switching high speed amp,and it is a real good match.Fast,powerful and no real sound character of its own.The spectron may not be the prettiest but sound quality and power at a not too crazy price is there.300/500 watts channel and their new one is almost twice as powerful for around 3000$.
My BAT VK-30 and VK-200 combo is AMAZING on the 10Ts; using Cal CL-15 CD and Audio Magic Spellcaster II ICs. The BAT doesn't run out of steam either! (200W into 4 ohms) Must be a verrry conservative rating. Major slam, incredible dimensionality and detail/transparency.