The Best Speakers for a Small Room

I am looking for a pair of speakers for my relatively small (approximately 12x14 ft) listening/living room. I have a McCormack DNA 0.5 Deluxe power amplifer and a Meridian 506.24 CD player. I listen to a lot of different types of music, but mostly to progressive rock (Yes, ELP, King Crimson, Genesis, Gentle Giant), jam bands (Moe., Dave Matthews Band, Phish, String Cheese Incident) bluegrass, and jazz (both fusion and a lot of traditional acoustic). . . in general, very busy music. Does anyone have suggestions for speakers that would match well with my listening room size, electronics, and musical tastes? And yes, before you say it Carl, I realize that room treatment is absolutely critical and will act accordingly. I would prefer to keep the price around $1500 (new or used), but could go up to $2000 if there was something really special out there. Thanks to any and all that respond!
The Diapason's Diamonte II's are an excellent choice. Disappear in the room. Very musical, refined. Excellent base for a monitor. No real need for sub unless big organ listener. This is not an analytical speaker. One you will be happy with, unless you are looking for that last ounce of transparency. Also fairly easy to run due to high sensitivity.
All of the mentioned products are fine recommendations. Unfortunately it will be impossible to compare them all in "your" room. A good hifi dealer will let you sample/audition speakers in "your" room with your source & power stuff. All people see different things in paintings. The same holds true for listening. One person above who recommends a particular speaker might have a huge hearing loss (and may not know it), and to listen to his choice of speakers might cause you to lose your fillings. Others may have no idea what music truly sounds like, having never been to a concert (you would be suprised). Be your own judge! What do I use? "psb" Stratus Golds, and Bronzes. Great sound, Great looking, Fine Value. Both Stereophile recommended if that's important to you. Good Luck, hififile