Music Hall CD-25 or original Rega Planet?

I currently own, and enjoy, the original Planet and am considering purchase of the CD-25. Have any of you digital dudes had a good listen to both under controlled conditions? I would appreciate it if someone could contrast the sound qualities of these two players. I don't do much digital. Thanks!
I believe what you are thinking of is the Cambridge Audio Azur 640H server which retails for $1399 and looks almost identical to the 640C.

Actually there has been very little price increase in the Cambridge Audio line. The D500SE retailed for $480 and the Azure 640C retails for $529.

BW Maxx
I loved the original Rega plaent when it was in my system. In fact I had used it as a transport for an outboard DAC for awhile, but found I like the Rega's analog output stage more that the DAC. However, you may want to consider something more recent, like the CD-25, as the original Rega transport had issues on some CD-Rs and newer enhanced CDs (meaning those with a data layer containing interactive software and so forth).
Just picked up an Onyx XCD-88 modified by Underwood/Parts Connexion. It is the same as a Music Hall CD-25, and sounds fantastic!!
Marty -
This thread is a couple of weeks old but if you haven't bought a player yet, you should be aware that Music Hall has announced the replacement for the CD-25: the CD-25.2. The main difference in specifications is the Burr Brown PCM 1738 replaces the PCM 1732 and the Philips VAM 1202/19 transport replaces the Philips CDM 12.1. MSRP remains the same at $600. So far, AV123 has not advertised a replacment of the Onix XCD-88 (its version of the CD-25).