Do many CD players also have digital inputs?

I've heard of a few--e.g., the Denon DCD3000. Does anyone have a recommendation of a good one for around $600? I am trying to find a one box solution that will play CDs and handle a digital input from a computer (toslink). I'd like to avoid buying a transport and a DAC (with more than one imput).
The Adcom GCD-750 has a digital input, but no digital input. This is kind of a curious set-up, but it may work well for your specific needs and can be had for about $500 - $600 on Agon. Sean
OOPS!!! That should have read that it has a digital input, but no digital output. Sorry... Sean
The discontinued Denon DVD-5000 a THX Ultra Certified DVD player has optical and coaxial digital inputs for external digital audio sources.

Musical Fidelity, CD-pre24.
You can get a new/old stock unit for $1,000-$1,050.
I've owned several including the Musical Fidelity CD/Pre-24 and the Quad 99 CDP. The MF CD/pre-24 has a lot of additional functionality, including analog inputs, digital inputs and full blown pre-amp functionality. The Quad is sonically much better (IMHO) but has less functionality with only 6 digital inputs and remote controlled variable volume control.

So, in my book the Quad 99 CDP is King! It is sonically very good and it has digital inputs and variable volume control. If you only have digital sources, the Quad will allow you to get rid of a seperate pre-amp completely and connect the Quad directly to a power amp.

The Quad is $1495 new and sells for about $850-1050 used. Yes, it is outside of your price range, but if you also use it to replace an expensive pre-amp, it becomes a great value.
