Pioneer PD65 needs a DAC

I have a Pioneer PD65 that I have been using as it was intended, a CD player. I don't see (or hear) any reason to replace it as a transport, I would just like to hear if I can improve upon it with an outboard DAC. I have a pair of Dali MS5's currently driven by a pair of BAT VK1000 monoblocks that I might change to either Pass X600's or Elecrocompaniet Nemo's. I am also in the process of changing my BAT VK5i preamp to a Pass X1. I listen to Classic rock, Jazz, Vocal, Classical, most type's with the exception of current rock, RAP, Hip-Hop. Not interested in ruining my equipment. Because technology is always changing in this area, I don't really want to spend thousands. But if that what it takes, please don't exclude it from your recommodations. Any advise would be appreciated.
I have a Pioneer PDR -05 which has the stable platter transport
mechanism. It is greatly improved when teamed with my Chord DAC 64
and also with my Krell 30i CD player which also has digital inputs so its
dac can be used. The PD 65 is a great transport at its price point and will
greatly be enhanced with a quality outboard DAC.
The Musical Fidelity A324 is a good match for the PD65. I used one with the PD65 I used to have. The A324 is easily found on the used market.
Buy an ECD-1. Nothing beats it at the price. Nothing.
p.s. You can bring anything over my house to compare it to.