artists who most deeply touch you

I would love to hear what folks feel are the artists that have affected them the most over the long haul.The ones who resonate spiritually.My top choices are keith jarrett,joni mitchell,and peter gabriel.Who moves you?
Two that come to me right off are Linda Eder and Loreena McKennit. Linda has a great Christmas Album released last year.
Bob Dylan. not sure i can explain how, when, or why this man has had such an impact on me. I remember when I was 13 years old, I was reading a book of songs by this guy called Bob Dylan. It blew me away. I was hearing these songs years before. My Mom used to play a lot of Peter, Paul, and Mary. After reading "A Hard Rains a gonna fall" was the time this artist deeply touched me. Have been ever since. I am still touched. Must be another one of those mental things.
I can't think of words that can explain why I feel the way I do about this man. Probably because i am so bad with words and expressing thoughts, but he could do it for me. I truly believe he is not just a genius, but the most influential artist rock has given us. And much more.