Neuance & Zoethecus,EMC-1UP & First Sound Preamp?

I am looking to "eek" that last extra bit of life out of both my Electrocompaniet EMC-1UP cd player as well as my First Sound Presence Deluxe Mk II preamp.

I have both units currently on a Zoethecus rack, on the z.Slab. I have also heard many positive rumblings about the Neuance shelf and have the following questions:

Has anyone used either component on the Neuance shelf?

Also, has anyone compared the Neuance shelf versus the Zoethecus z.Slab?

Any and all comments would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you.
I received my Neuance platforms here in Connecticut. The Hurricane mono amps were previously on a Zoethecus table wide enough for both amps (although they WERE pretty close to each other). When the Neuance arrived today, I placed the amps on them and put them directly on the carpet.
Can you say "jaw on floor"? The presentation was so much more obviously "there" as to make me think I'd been imbibing. My partner's eyes, when he heard it, went sideways.
Clinical observations: the Zoethecus had, indeed, been damping the dynamics, both macro and micro. Perhaps it was placing both the amps on the one table, but still.... The separation of instrumental sections is quite a jump - not "huge" (hyperbole only undermines a product)- but quite, quite obvious and, the airiness of the soundstage, seemingly a byproduct of the increase in transparency and the lowering of the noise floor, is like going from two dimensions to three dimensions. Not to mention the increase in transient attacks, dynamic nuance (ha, ha) and bass clarity is great. In fact, the bass instruments are much less hidden by the "muck" they are usually hidden in (on a so-so cd player, anyway). Oh, and the harmonics actually decay in a more complex manner. Quite a jump in "presence" for only $350.00. QUITE a jump.
We hadn't even thought the Zoethecus was affecting the noise floor (and maybe, again, it's having had two 65 pound amps on one Z-slab, but they said it was okay when we wrote them...), but I HAD noticed that it seemed higher than before. We had chalked that up to previously having the system in the basement on a concrete floor. We just assumed that the wood floor, being less flexible, would have a higher noise floor. The Neuance proved me wrong. It was vibration, pure and simple. How annoying not to have realized it before now. Oh well. This is one time I'm GLAD I was wrong. The partner feels the same. The most interesting thing is that the compositions now sound like music. Before it sounded a bit stilted, even in the basement. We actually forgot to analyze what was happening,and just LISTENED to the music. No more worrying about if the tube traps were aligned correctly, or the speaker was positioned to the nano-inch. I almost forgot what that was like...
Thanks, Ken. This is excellent, excellent work, and - dare I say it? -- a bargain. Can't possibly go wrong here.
I'm curious, have you tried placing the hurricanes directly on the carpet? I ask because I wonder how much of what you are hearing is the benefit of the Neuance and how much is the detriment of the Zoethecus. (I'm a Neuance enthusiast, by the way, but I like controlled experiments.)
Yes, Drubin, the amps have been on the carpet and they vibrate quite a bit from being in the path of the bass waves. Not a recommended procedure... :-(
When placed on the carpet, the distortion causes rather unpleasant screechiness, especially on orchestral crescendos.
P.S. In my longer post, I said "the wood floor, being LESS flexible" when what I meant was "...the wood floor being MORE flexible." Of course, the wood floor IS more flexible, and it would certainly provide a less stable footing than the concrete, but with the Zoethecus, it was surprising how much it killed not only the vibrations, but the "life" of the music itself. It sounded like a bunch of people playing with no enthusiasm at all after a hard night out drinking (or whatever). I can't put into words how dull it was: I thought the amps had caught a "cold." Even when the amps were on concrete blocks, they had more life than on the Zoethecus.
One never know, DO one??