Has anyone had dCS Elgar/Purcell Upgrades done?

I purchased older models of the dCS Elgar and Purcell on the used market. I am very impressed at the improvement in the sound of CDs in my system. I am now considering purchasing a Verdi Transport, but I must upgrade both the Elgar and Purcell units to take full advantage of the Verdi's DSD upsampling.

I have a number of questions:

Has anyone else had the upgrade done?
Since I did not purchase the Elgar and Purcell from a dealer, how can I arrange to have the upgrades done?
About how much will it cost? (the Elgar is about 5 years old, the Purcell about 3 years old).
How long does dCS take to do the upgrade?
What's the best way to ship them to the UK?

Any insight is appreciated.
Update: I verified with ASL the cost of upgrading both units including shipping is US$7050. It takes about 3 weeks and must be booked in advance using paperwork ASL can provide to you.
I have Delius/Purcell/Verdi and had the Delius and Purcell upgraded. The combination - playing CD upsampled to DSD or SACD - is excellent. When I used to go back to vinyl whenever I could I now barely bother (and that's with a Nottingham Analogue Hyperspace).

My feeling about dCS is that they really do transcned the issues that noramlly relate to hi-fi. With much equipment you have to accept a trade off. One thing will offer better staging, while another with give better bass and so on. With dCS the machines work and play the music. Nothing less.
Agreed. I just got my Elgar and Purcell back after upgrading. A stunning improvement in smoothness, liquidity, and detail. I would highly recommended it to anyone with the older gear.
I live in England and have the Purcell, and looking for an Elgar. I called dCS to check n upgrades and they said that there is no upgrades to the unit per se; rather it is an exchange program that, depending on s/n, they deduct the value of the older Purcell, Elgar from a new unit. Expect to get about 2-3 thousand off a new unit. Call them in England and they are very helpful. I called them for advice and they were straight forward and looked uo my S/N to check on any repairs and its birth date.