Allison Krauss fans, try this one.

I bought the new album by Nickel Creek. Produced by AK. Great quality recording, fabulous talented musicians.
Agree with Swampwalker on the new Krauss/US live CD. Decent
recording quality too. Nickel Creek's first is tremendous.
If you like Chris Thile's playing you need to check out
Matt Flinner too. Has a couple of solo discs on Compass and
tours with Leftover Salmon.
Yes! Leftover Salmon is fantastic. I saw them in the same intimate venue as the Creek (Mangy Moose Saloon - Jackson, WY). Great stuff.
Meisterkleef hit on a good one.....Matt Flinner is a great player, he also can be heard in a trio format with David Grier on guitar and Todd Phillips on bass, they have two great Trio CD's out, under all their names, very well recorded. I just saw Matt with The Modern Mandolin Quartet, playing classical music, it was around the holidays & they did the Nutcracker..
I knew he could improvise, it was interesting seeing him play classical music, Matt is an exceptional musician!
Oh yeah Sternart, those Flinner/Grier/Phillips trio discs
are fabulous! Also on the Compass label. You can also check
out some more of Matt Flinner's work with Judith Edelman
also on Compass. I guess he liked playing in her band as he
married her recently! I think she's taking a hiatus to have
some kids or some such, which is when Matt joined Leftover
Salmon's touring band.

Lots of great acoustic stuff on the Compass label.

So is anyone here going to Merlefest this year?
I'd love to do Merlefest some year, great lineups they get there, an incredible list of acoustic musicians....I hear weather can be a problem for that one....I'm off to Wintergrass in the Tacoma/Seattle area this month, since I'm hailing from the Left Coast, it is a lot closer. And no weather issues as it is indoors.