Mit cable question

My system is a follows;

ML Requests
Classe' Ca-400
Wadia 301 (running direct)
MIT Oracle v4 bi-wire
Monster Sigma 2000 balanced
PS Audio ultimate xstreme statement pc's on both cd & amp

I want to upgrade the M2000 sigma to MIT. What would the M2000 be equal to in the MIT cables. Please be honest, the M2000 is not a bad cable by all means but I want to do better in the MIT lineup without going over budget.
So I need to know it's equal so to say. And then I will know where to start.

Thanks Jim
I think it would be easier to comment if you were to share with us your cable budget. While I do have some experience with MIT's cables, I don't have a clue about the price or quality of the M2000. I searched both Google and the Monster Cable web site and didn't come up with anything meaningful on the M2000 (or the Sigma 2000). Even a search of the classifieds on Audiogon turned up no evidence of this cable.

While I am a big fan of MIT cables (I use Oracle V2.1 speaker cables) I can't say that I find them to be a very good value. I compared the $850 Discovery Essence to the $3495.00 Oracle V2.1 and found the latter to be only slightly better. As a result, I sold off my V2.1. I seriously doubt that any of the MIT cables priced under the V2.1 could compete with the Essence.

I suspect that you'd realize a significant upgrade by swapping your Sigma cable for some Essence. Given the quality of your system, an $850 cable isn't out of line at all. And, IMHO you'd have to spend over $3500 to get something better from MIT.

Hi Ken,
Thanks for your reply. The M2000 was the first Sigma cable that they designed in the early to mid 90's. The 1 meter retailed for $750 back then. So I could maybe get $300 to $350 for the 2 meter I have.
I see the MIT 350 for sale once in a blue moon for a good price.So I would like to stay around $600 to $700.

Clarifications: I use Oracle V.3 speaker cables, not V2.1. In them other places where I mention Oracle V2.1, I am referring to the interconnects, which I used to own.