Who Owns Pure Note Cerulean Cables???

I currently own the Epsilons but could not find out much on the newer Cerulean cables. Any opinions from current owners as to their sound?


I had the epsilon v4 and switched to the ceruleans. I use both the biwired speaker cables and balanced interconnects. In my system the Ceruleans have a smoother and denser sound, more resolving and holographic. The epsilons are a bit brighter and have an overall leaner and more airy character to them which seem to accentuate detail.
I agree with Togo. The Cerulean cables are a great improvement over the Epsilons. They are very neutral and focused. I own both the ic's and speaker cables. IMO, nothing comes close to the Ceruleans especially in their price range.
Don't know about Epsilons, but Cerulean is a wonderful cable for the money. My system becomes bright when I put in silver cables, so bright I can't listen to string music for more than 10 seconds. Cerulean is able to resolve detail and create air/ambience without sounding bright, something most silver can't do. On top, it has excellent coherence and not lean like most silver. Bottom end is also full and extended with excellent pace and details. In short, I love my 5 meter XLR Cerulean.

The only other cable that I have heard in my system that equals the Cerulean is Audience AU24, but have you checked out a 5 meter XLR AU24 retail recently?