Improving reviews

This idea was put out by Jadem6 and I thought it wa a good one. What can be done to improve the quality of reviews, or secondly, do they need to be improved. Some of the reviews IMO have been great while others have been lacking. While I think the idea of having equipment reviews is a good one and it appears AudiogoN is trying to build a library for future use, are we accomplishing the goal? Obviously the suggestion is not to develop guidelines so stringent that there is no fun in writing but would a more defined set of goals or perameters help with the quality?
As my name suggests; I have more questions than answers. Okay resident geniuses take up the challenge!
Nrchy, what do you think is a *reasonable* expectation regarding the quality of reviews on a Web site like this one?
I agree. I thought about this for some time and believed it would make sense to do the reviews in a form. If everyone followed the same review format it would be easier to read, more informative, and much better in terms of searching for reviews later on. This would be the fields that I would suggest:
New Cost:
Basic Description:
Review Set-up: (put in associated equipment)
Comparison Brands/Models: (list what you've compared it to in the same category)
Performance against comparisons: (brief description where applicable)
Overall Performance: (full description / body of review)
Summary: (brief paragraph)
Build Quality: (1-10)
Sound Quality: (1-10)
Value: (1-10)

If there were a form like this (or similar variation), imagine how powerful it would be. You could search on all reviews of the ABC CD player and see the average scores for it. You could compare the highest value rating FM tuners. To do something like this is a lot of work, and I'm not sure A-gon would take on a project like this. The cost is primarily in the set-up, but once that's done it's practically automatic. We can dream I suppose.
Excellant idea Rives. I would add two things, music used and reference system tonal quality. Maybe on a sliding scale 1= dark, 5= neutral and 10= bright.
Thank-you Nrchy for taking the discussions we all have had and try to use them. As we have discussed in another thread, it would be nice to see the quality of reviews rise and become more useful. Great thread!