Audio Aero Capitole vs. Audiomeca Mphisto II

Have you compared these two?
Though both are very fine pieces,my nod will have to go the Capitole .It will be interesting to see the new release of the second generation Captitole as not only is going to a single circuit board(the current version has 3) but as of today I was told the piece will look totaly different.Apparently it also will be able to play SACD(and I am not talking about the Premier which will also play DVDs and will be realeased later this year).Release date is now moved back until mid March.No pictures as of yet,but I have been told it will have no more volume controls,and selectable switch.It will all be done via the remote.
These are two of the best digital pieces available.
The Capitol is a touch more dynamic than the Mephisto 2 and the 2 has more delicacy. The 2 was more expensive at $7500 but the price has been reduced to $6600.
The looks of the Mephisto 2 are stunning which cannot be said of the Capitol.
I am glad to see that they are changing the looks of the Capitol because that was the only apparent weakness in the unit in my humble opinion. I know that alot of Audiophiles feel that the aesthetics do not matter but at the prices people pay for this stuff why should it not be stunning to look at also?
Stewart is absolutely correct.

The new Audio Aero Prestige CD/DVD/SACD player is silver - quite a departure from the black/gold of their other gear. It is pictured on this page - follow the link below:
Most top CD players will play all the notes - you will hear all there is to hear. But - it is the way the notes are played which truly separates a fine CD player from just any mass produced upsampling digital device.

To some people, CD players are CD players they don't hear a difference. To other people there is character, whether it be slam, detail, "analog like" that makes a CD player stand out above the rest.

But to a few of us it is the feeling in our soul when music just sounds right. It is a feeling that comes mostly at the deepest levels of listening - where the others (those who cannot tell) fear to tread or rarely go. It's the heartbeat of our passion and the conveyance of the magic we seek. It's the synergy between each note - the way you can taste it and the way it caresses you as you close your eyes and imagine.

The Audio Aero plays all the notes and it sounds right but the Mephisto takes a listener to a whole new level of appreciation.