Two channel or to multi-channel, that is the ???

After reading many sources of material about the debate over DVD-A vs. SACD, and Hybrid discs vs. 2 channel SACD only recordings (Sony).

I still have more questions. Are there any record labels that produce multi-channel only recordings? If I purchase an SCD-1 will it be obsolete because record companies are producing multi-channel only recordings?

Thanks for your input.
Try Sony SCD-XA777ES for ultimate two channel Red Book CD and multichannel SACD playback.
Who said you can't have it all?

I think hi-rez two-channel is the way to go. Multichannel!? Come on, this seems like nothing more than a souped-up modern version of the embarassingly awful quadrophonic scheme from the 70's.

I think that multi-channel audio will be used by the "early adopters" with deep pockets, but I do not believe that the general public will go for it. Thus, I'd be surprised if in five years multichannel is little more than a faded memory.

If john q. consumer doesn't buy it, recording labels won't create the software.

I'm sure there will always be a few titles available from specialty audiophile labels, but I wouldn't want to sink big bucks into a system that will ultimately support such a limited number of recordings. has an interesting piece on both (DVD-SACD)if you have not already read it.
why multi channel??? when you go and watch a band or orchestra they are on a stage infront of you
LEFT AND RIGHT---never sitting around you...
i heard a multi channel set up in london at a show and they played metallica's nothing else matters or somthing like that--and the orchestra came in from behind and my own opinion!!! it sucked hard..
quadphonic died so will multi channel--it aint real!! music aint that way.......its good for movies but it aint the real deal...