Reterminating Nordost- worth it?

I have some Nordost Red Dawn II biwire interconnects, or whatever you call it when you have 2 z connectors on the amp end and 4 on the speakers end. Anyway, given my latest speakers are not biwireable, would it be worth it to reterminate the speaker end? Who would do such a thing?
I am thinking that if I do this I will now have two parallel strips of wire per channel which may not be what was intended originally. Of couse with these wires you have like 18 thin parallel strands anyway so maybe no big deal? or not? Does anyone know if it would be different or the same or have any recommendations?
Re-terminating is mot a big deal if you send it to Nordost. I think the fee is around 50$. The big deal is if you ever get a bi-wire speaker again. What I would would do is send them to Nordost and get one set of conductors changed to spades. You get then easily use the wires on either type speaker with no downside.
Symphony Sound has it right. Nordost gets $60 PER TERMINATION, so don't bother. Adding adaoptors, or....heaven forbid, CRIMPING into the Red Dawn is much less desirable. Just stick the Z's into the holes, which is where they naturally want to go!
Thanks for the great responses. The speaker cable does in fact have Z Plugs which are banana plugs (don't know if they are same or different from AQ ones).