Denver TT Shootout?

Hey Chris Brady, Thom Mackris, et al,
Was there any late night analog party/showdown/danceoff at the Denver show? I'm guessing your larger competitors were not too interested, but you know we are...
Show attendees, please share what you saw & heard.

No shootout between the various TT manufacturers. We did get to hear two demos of the differences between the all acrylic, lead damped acrylic and wood platters on a Teres Model 200. The lead damped is better than the all acrylic. The wood is preferred by people that like a lush, full sound. The lead damped platter was preferred by people who like a cooler sound.

The Model 360 prototype with Schroeder Reference arm and Koetsu Urushi cartridge looks gorgeous and sounded wonderful. Unfortunately, all we could compare it to was a Model 245 with Origin Live Illustrious arm and Shelter Crown Jewel cartridge. The 360 was substantially better.
I heard the comparison of the Teres weighted acrylic and weighted wood platters at the last CES. Everyone demanded that he put back the wood platter. It was not just lushness or full sound; the lead weighted wood was more dynamic, had a wider soundstage, and generally was more realistic. No one could understand why the lead weighted lucid platter was even made.
I prefer the wood platter myself. But several people attending the same demo session with me said that they preferred the lead loaded acrylic platter. Obviously, tastes, systems, and hearing differ. Vive le difference!