CD Recorders

Still not enough info on what you guys recommend for a professional quality CD recorder. What are the best you have found, where do you purchase them (retail or on-line, what sites?) what features do you recommend, dual tray or single (I think I want dual)and what did you, or do you plan to spend for yours?
I think he's considering an outboard stand-alone CD recorder. Why else would he be asking about dual tray vs single tray? There are significant advantages of using a stand-alone CD recorder vs the CD-R/RW in your computer. I have both setups. Even for digital to digital recording the outboard stand-alone setup is much more convenient. I have an Adcom GCD-700 5-disc changer with digital output and I run that into my Pioneeer Elite CD recorder. I can program 20 tracks from 5 different discs, press a couple buttons, and walk away while the Pioneer records and numbers each track then finalizes the CD-R. You won't find that level of versitility and convenience in a computer based CD-R/RW.

For the ultimate in convenience you might want a combo 3-disc player / recorder. I hear the units from Pioneer are pretty good.

Mhubbard also asked about professional quality CD recorders. The stand-alone consumer units require that you use "Audio" CD-R's that have the copy management bits pre-encoded on each CD-R. This used to be a big issue because these CD-R's used to cost more than computer CD-R's. But these days the price difference is no longer an issue. You can find the "Audio" CD-R's for the same low price and in bulk as the cheapo computer CD-R's. The consumer stand-alone recorders still require that you use these "Audio" CD-R's / CD-RW's.

Now if you truly want a professional outboard stand-alone CD-R/RW that can bypass the copy management scheme and doesn't care what type of CD-R/RW media you use, you should be looking at units from TASCAM, some Sony pro models, Fostex, HHB, etc. You won't find these in consumer electronics stores but in places that sell gear to musicians and recording studios. One very popular professional CD-R/RW is the TASCAM CD-RW700 (~$599). Also check out Sony CDR-W33 (~599) or HHB CDR830 (~$549) or HHB CDR850 (~799). BTW, TASCAM is part of the TEAC company.

So if you want a truly "professional" CD recorder, expect to pay around $600 or so and don't bother looking for these at consumer electronics stores, you won't find them there.
Oops, forgot to give you a website where you can find this stuff:

Click the Recording tab at the top of their home page. Then click CD-R Recorders in the left column.
The Marantz Professional CDR500 is a dual well unit that does a fantastic job. It can override the copy code so that you can make copies of copies. You can also use computer CDR's and CDW regular discs (I cannot tell the difference between these discs and those made for audio). It has an abundance of features. I purchased mine from J&R about 6 monthd ago for 669.00. They recently advertised it for 649.00. Good luck in your hunt.
Abecollins, I bought my CD-R to copy computer software (backup copies, of course...). I made a great buy for $299.00. My music tapes come out nice, too!
If you are recording D to D, I would suggest the HHB "Burn it". It is affordable and can be had for $450. It has Digital balance and volume control. If you are going A to D, I would suggest the Sony CDR 66, it has SBM and sells for sround $650. And for the ultimate, Yamaha CDR 1000, it has Apogee's UV22 but cost $1,200.