Power Cord for Odyssey Stratos

I've been debating on which pc for my Stratos amp the VooDoo Silver Dragon or the VH Audio Flavor 4 which I'm audtioning right now. Has anyone out there tried these power cords?
Trip, your Flavor 4 stills needs quite a bit more breaking in. Please give us a status at the 200 hour mark. Do you have the cord plugged directly into the wall? Also, do you have a dedicated line and/or at least 12 guage wires in the wall? Just curious as this is what Chris recommends for his Flavor 4. I currently have a Flavor 2,cryo'd, with Furutech connectors just starting its break in process.
Sherod, yes I have it plugged directly into the wall and I have a dedicated line w/ 12 guage wire.
I second both the VD nites and Audience PC. They're at least worth an audition.
Hey Trip. How's the Flavor 4 sounding? Has it reached the 200 hour mark yet?
Hey Trip, I use the Groneberg PC's for my monos...however, they are 6' and I am getting the 10' cables from Groneberg. They really do extend the base as do the i/c from gronebergs too. This is the same cable used internally by Klaus.

I have two 6' pc would sell for $175 for both.