Any feedback on the new Wolff PC ?

I am interested in getting some feedback from current users of the new Michael Wolff Carbon power cords, both the Source and Gain models. Thanks for your responses.I was considering one of his previous versions until he announces this new, revolutionary, patent-pending carbon model, so now my curiosity is really peaked.Retailing for $600.00, there is a lot of competition at this price point.Do we have an Elrod beater in the making?
I just went to the website and looked at what they had to offer. Very limited technical info and what was there has me somewhat scared. I'll let those with first-hand experience tell us how much better it is than everything else they've tried. Sean
What is it that has your scared? I would like to address your concerns if they are grave.
Best Regards, Michael Wolff
Two audiogon members are now evaluating the Carbon Source cord. So we shall know something shortly.
My negative thoughts about this product are based on current limitations and non-linear distortions and safety hazards arising from such.

You have one cord that you specifically state "do not use this with a power amp". Since most amplifiers only draw a few amps on a steady state basis, this tells me that this cord suffers from higher than average series resistance and becomes worse ( possibly dangerous ) as more current is pulled through it. Then again, i'm basing this on the information that you've provided on your website, which is far from being all inclusive or technical in nature. Sean