Anyone using NITES on their CD player??

I'm getting a new cd player in a few weeks that will allow for an aftermarket powercord. I currently use a signal cable magic power cord on my power amp. This cable is a very good value but I hear that the Virtual Dynamics Nites are supposed to be in a class all their own. Any feedack would be greatly appreciated.
Eagle the one I spoke too, He tried most of the
expensive power cable,Its hard to mention names
here,especially silent source is not that popular
yet.But someone also told me, the Kimber palladian
is a very very good cable,if there is pc that is
better than palladian.I want to know.I mean cheaper
and better.
Jayctoy, Positive Feedback has an interesting review of the Soundstrings power cable. The reviewer preferred it to the Palladian at half the cost.
Pilar, I read the review and you are right,they
prefer the sounstring than the Kimber Palladian,
thats very interseting.
But Jayctoy, the review makes the point that the Soundstrings are very colored, while the Kimbers are neutral. This is not better/worse; it is different and potentially problematic depending on your system.