Delta Labs


I just got a pair of these DELTA LABS "REDLINE" speaker cables...

Here's a picture:

And am wondering if they're any good compared to newer, cheaper cables?

Any thoughts, info or experience of these will be useful.

I luckilly (Delta Labs are no more...) found out that the Radio Shack locking banana's that I had at home fitted exactly, for the 2 missing lockers :)

Thx much,
Thanks much, I'll keep my eye out for a some of your suggestions apperaing here on Agon!

My current system:

RCD-971 IEC upgrade (made a huge improvement)
Signal cable Analog2 IC
RC-995 IEC upgrade
RB-991 - The deep bass this produces is what started me looking at speaker cables...DIY Cat5 were best for bass but top end wasn't so good.
B&W P4 compact floorstander (love these!)

Maybe I should biwire using the DIY Cat5 for the bass and something else for the highs?
I had Delta Power cables and interconnects bought new back in 2000.I sold off everything over time but one pair of silver interconnects which I am still using.I personally never had any problems with the company but I know others did!The power cords were 8 and 10 gauge copper over the counter type.Marinco plugs and IEC. The interconnects used Neutrik Pro-Fi connectors. I'm assuming the redlines are the 8 gauge variety. For $159 you did fine for an 8 foot pair Bi-Wire. Just enjoy them. I did mine until I got the upgrade fever.
Well thank you for the those comments!

I just upgarded again! Got a RC-1090 preamp and a RB-1080 power amp.

Soundstaging/imaging is better, can't really say which is responsible for the improvement but I suspect the preamp is mostly responsible.

My buddy came round with his RCD-991 AE and we did some AB'ing, there wasn't a startling difference between the two players (RCA outs) but balanced outs on the RCD-991 were smoother, less bright? Quite subtle.
Not enough of a difference to warrant an upgrade..

I will just enjoy them ~ thanks guys:)