Teres update

I've got 15 or 20 pictures up on my site now. If you like boring pictures of wood layout, jointing, planing, milling facing, gluing, etc... they are there.

I'm going to try and update every day I do work on it. I will reply to this thread to bring it back to the top as I update.

As always, I welcome comments, suggestion. discusson, whatever.

Check it out Here at Joe's Teres Project Pages
Well, just wanted to let you all know that my Teres project is not dead in the water. It has been a most annoying holiday season here. Friends, relatives, it seems everyone has been a pain in my ass for the holidays! Thanks to the vinyl God that it's finally over. Now I can get back to work on my turntable.

Aside from the issues metioned above, I am still waiting on delivery of my 25# bag of #9 lead shot. Hopefully it will show before the end of the week. Hard to believe that in Eastern North Carolina NO ONE carries #9 shot. Crap, the whole state shuts down for hunting season, you would think this is the easy part. As soon as it does I am probably looking at 3 days to get the plinth done. I have finished the base, and will try to get some pictures of it up soon. I used shellac, and it is gorgeous, the grain really looks good.

For finishing the plinth I think I'm going to use Deft. It is a clear lacquer and very hard. A pain to work with, but at this point, who cares! One thing about it is that I'll never have to worry about yellowing. And, they way the grain looks on a test piece is amazing.

It is nice to see some other Teres owners/builders comments and ideas. As I said in my reply to Ykk's post, I would especially like to thank Tom, Doug, Chris, and all of the others for all of their advice and help. It just would not have been possible without the three of you and all of the others keeping me headed in the right direction.

I would also like to thanks Peter Q. at Audio Note. Now that my entire system is AN products (except the unfinshed Teres, of course), his help with my sometimes stupid questions has come in very handy, indeed. One of these days I will get my systems updated here with some pictures.

OT, I have a question for those in the know. What do all feel is the "best" tonearm/cartridge combo for a Teres? I'm not even done yet and am already getting upgrade fever. Oh will this madness ever end....
Hi Joe. It looks like a nice piece of work.
I'm sure it will turn out well.

About arms and carts, I like the OL arms with Shelter cartridges on the Teres.
Hi Joe thanks for the great pictures and the laugh (the holidays! Thanks to the vinyl God that it's finally over. Now I can get back to work on my turntable.) hehe.

Fun to watch your progress.

I remain,

Just wondering about arms again. I alredy have the modded Rega, but I was looking at an Ikeda it407 12", and it just LOOKS COOL. I guess I better get the damn thing finished before I worry about it.

Hi Joe, it407 is a nice arm. I would prefer non-removable headshell, since typical removeable headshells like that one generally make colorations at 1kHz or thereabouts. It is like a FR66 which was very good in it's time. I think some new arms may be better now for the price. I'd look real hard at an OL Illustrious for that kind of money($2k). It is an awesome match for a Shelter cartridge.

Tri-Planers and Schroeders are also popular on Teres tables. OL or Expressimo modded Rega 250 arms are by far the most common arms seen on Teres tables, due to cost and good sound for low bucks. I use the OL Silver with the HiFi mod, and that is quite popular on the Teres. I have sold about 25 HiFi mods so far for OL Silver arms, and everyone is very happy with them. Not a single complaint from anyone. It makes the Silver about on par with the Encounter.