Comparing AQ Diamonds to the new AQ interconnects


I am looking to upgrade my interconnects. I've been wanting to get a pair of Diamonds X3 for quite some time. But, how do they compare with the newer AQ interconnects such as Viper and Python? I am using original version of Emerald at the moment.

I've used emerald (all versions), Lapis X3, and Diamond (X2 only). My favorite is the Lapis--I really have found very little improvement, and in some cases degredation with the diamond. Lapis is neutral, fast, detailed, and well balanced. I have not tried the new AQ line of interconnects yet--so I can't directly answer your question--but $ for $ I think the Lapis is terrific.
I just upgraded my interconnects from Diamond x3 to Amazon. The Amazons sound slightly clearer and somewhat more dynamic. The Diamond x3s are no slouches; they're quite fast, delicate, and brought a sense of immediacy to the sound. I like the Amazons. Of the nine pairs of interconnects I bought, only one was at full retail from a dealer, all the rest were at substantial discounts through Audiogon. Good luck!
python is better than diamondx3, and anaconda and amazon way better, the python is more revealing than any previous cable, viper is not in the same league way below even lapis which is good, diamond adds more bass weight, but like i said python more revealing. ive owned every cable they make. regards mike