How can I get back into vinyl very cheaply?

Hi and thanks for taking the time to read my thread. I grew up in the 70's and amassed a relatively large record collection. Moreover my buddies from high school are willing to give me their old Lp's. However I don't have much in disposable income so I am wondering if there is a good TT,arm, cartridge, combo to be had for ~350$ I had a denon direct drive turntable when I was a kid, but reading this site makes my think that a belt drive table would generally be superior. I particularly am wondering what old units I should look for on ebay. There are almost 1000 units for sal on ebay and most of them are in my price range, but I really don't know for which units I should be looking. Finally as I don't even know what VTA is, ease of set up is important. I appreciate all opinions.

PS. My Musical Fidelity pre has a phono stage that is purportedly good but not great for MM and adequate for MC
if you do get a tt i would urge you to accept Breeno's offer of newbee help vis a vis his extra grado black cart. way to go Breeno, i know many of us help people get up and running, and it's nice to see it reflected here on audiogon.
Suretyguy: i dunno what else you used on a 2.1 (for comparison) but the free goldring they include does the tt no justice at all. i had read postings by a number of mmf 2.1 owners saying as much, but i figured they were just being fussy. then i got one. all their criticism was accurate. the goldring may be better than nothing, but a grado black will sound much less thin and strident in the upper mids and highs, much more musical overall. and an $80 grado blue will reveal worlds more sweet sound.
also, where can you get a new 2.1 for $225?
Bomarc, I've answered your question via private e-mail.

Technics has a mass manufacure advantage and experience that is hard to beat by other companies. Their entry level belt drive with FG servo speed control has a good arm, good bearings, good suspension. My Ortofon X-5 MC can be purchased in P-mount (also the cheaper X-1 & X3 MC's--same body, different stylus shape). So go figure...anyone with a halfway decent integrated amp or receiver (NAD, Yamaha, Proton, Marantz, HK, Creek, Cambridge), a dedicated line and a cryo outlet can have decent music on the cheap.

Speed and rotational stability is sooo important to extract music it cannot be overemphasized. A frequency generator servo drive is a big step ahead of a little motor which just relies on external AC for speed control...
Hey, one man's meat is another man's poison, right? Actually, I don't own a 2.1, but I bought one for my son (For $225 from a local dealer) and it sounds "perfectly acceptable" as I indicated. I don't doubt that it can be bettered, but I was responding to a query about an inexpensive setup and I don't think you can do better for that kind of money. Please note that I also urged the initial poster to stretch for the MMF 5 if at all possible, because the cartridge is much better-as is the entire system.
just as important as the turntable is the amp and pre-amp for great LP listening. Mcintosh has the circuitry that really makes records a thrill to hear.

just bought a M M MF-5 for $390 new and it sounds great

I say by turntables new so the dust cover and cartridge are new

happy listenening---steve
Audiohaven, where did you find an Mmf 5 for 390? That I think would be a good solution for me to get up and running fast. Breeno, I didn't thank you properly for your offer, your generosity is the most stiriking among the many gernerous replies on this forum. I noticed a project 6.1 for sale today, any thoughts on this unit? Finally audiohaven, the amp will be an Aragon 8002(sold my better amp) and the pre will be a MF 308 (which I scammed my Dad into buying for me as a gift for my latest"graduation").