Planet vs. Jolida 603

Help tube people! I'm looking at either a Planet (used) or Jolida 603 to hang on my Jolida 302A and out on Paradigm Phantoms w/TNT DIY speaker cables. I understand the 603 uses a Sony drive, which may or may not be a good thing. What I want from either player is a warm, full sound--read not bright with good bass. The used Planet price range is similar to the 603 new. Am I comparing apples to apples or apples to oranges here? My music taste is 50/50 blues-rock. And I prefer volume set to roof raising when ever possible! (when home alone) Thanks for your input in advance, Sober1
Audio Advisor is known for lowering prices,if asked and done right.My point is you may even get the C.E.C. for less than $795.00 Talk to Joe Darmegrade(sic?) offer him $600.00 and see what happens.
Plus 30 day money back, no questions asked,return policy.Nothing to lose auditioning the thing.
thanks for your input-purchased 603A last night. If I don't get the sound I'm after, I'll have the C.E.C. on my short list. thanks again