Newbie Question - What is "Overhang"

I know that I probably shouldn't be asking and some of you are probably rolling your eyes. I understand cartridge alignment, but what is "Overhang" exactly? and how do you know if its off using the Rega alignment tool? If I got the turntable basics alignment tool how would that tell if the overhang is off?

Yes, the Rega RB300 is a pivoted tonearm (as are all of the Rega tonearms). Linear tracking tonearms are very distinctive: they have a base which extends across the back of the turntable, and the cartridge is mounted to an arm that tracks perpendicular to the LP (imagine the cartridge following a straight line from the edge of the LP directly to the center hole of the LP).

There are very few linear tracking arms still made, so virtually every tonearm on the market today is a pivoted design. The design of the pivot itself usually falls into one of two categories: a unipivot (such as the Graham 2.2), or a ball bearing type such as the Regas.
TWL and Sdcampbell, Tell me if I'm correct.

1. When placing the stylus on the Rega alignment tools "cross hairs" the headshell at this point should be square with the printed lines.

2. If the stylus is on the "cross hairs" correctly but the headshell is not square with printed lines I then have incorrect overhang because If I were to try to square the headshell with the printed lines then the stylus would either be too far back or to far front of the "cross hairs".

That was a mouthfull,
SdCampbell, actually overhang exists also for linear trackers. You still need to position the stylus correctly along the arm otherwise you will be off tangent for the whole disc, negating one of the advantages of linear tracking!