Get a DAC for CD63SE or a new CD?

I have upgraded my downstream electronics and would like to upgrade my primary digital source. Would it be better to upgrade my present CD or consider a new CD. No phono input and no plans to go HT. Thank you for your opinions and advice.
$1000.00 don't buy first-rate player new.(I have not heard Musical Fidelity from have dealt with this company many times without any problem.If you call them talk to Ken or Chris.They also have demo.Parasound 2000 Ultra.This one I heard in my system.It was in completely different class than my Luxman 355(about the same or a bit better performance than your Marantz).But my unit (Parasound) was damaged in shippment and at that time they did not have a replacement.Later I bought from them CEC 5100Z new which is similar to the Parasound but,I think,is even better.Another alternative is to find used excellent converter and later replace your 63SE(I suggest CEC 5100, have it now for $800.00 new).I would go with Timbre DAC or,perhaps,Classe.
I say go with the Bel Canto DAC-1. I don't even see the new upsampling optioned MSB Link DAC getting close to it.
It seems that I'm the only one pointing at a complete new (or secondhand) player. As Dwright already mentioned, there are some problems concerning external DAC's, especially with adequate, but nothing special, digital outputs on your Marantz (I own a CD 63 KI, so I know what I'm talking about) and no possibility to lock the two internal clocks (player and DAC). If you like the sound of Marantz, go for something like the CD 17 or CD 17 KI, perhaps looking for secondhand players. Other alternatives include something like a Rotel RCD991, or the gorgeous looking NAD S 500.
Unless your CD player's transport is worn some, you still couldn't beat the DAC-1 with a player of similar price, even with problems of jitter. Have a look at their website:
You should get new CD player! I mean, used first rate CD players arent that expensive any more...i would have to suggest Linn Mimik or even better Linn Karik, for the money, you can not find better unit.