Black Diamond Racing/VPI Vibration Control

Anyone have any experience with the Black Diamond Racing/VPI Vibration Control Kit available from the MusicDirect catalog for use with the VPI Aries? (This consists of four mini-pucks for the feet and a round shelf for the motor.) Also, any experience with the one piece dust cover available from the same catalog (as opposed to the standard two-piece VPI dust cover)? Any thoughts, pro or con, would be appreciated. Thanks in advance for your response.
Ag insider logo xs@2xcjlundgren
Make sure to experiment with the placement and "directionality" of BDR cones, if you use them. I tried a few different cones/points under my amp which was already sitting on a Osiris Giza stand on its own points and pucks filled with about 40 lbs of silica sand. A couple of the tweaks I tried made things sound worse. I tried the BDR III's and they made some decent sonic improvement, but nothing drastic. Then, one day, for kicks, I turned the cones over so that the small end pointed up. The improved tightness in bass and clarity in the upper top end left me agog. A very nice surprise.....
Have the entire Aries/Flywheel BDR kit (2 large pucks for motor and flywheel; 4 small ones for feet). It makes everything dead quiet at a fraction of the cost of the shelf or source.
I have extended Aries and JMW 12.5 and tried three clamps. BDR is better than VPI one piece Velrin(sp?) clamp but VPI half-steel, half-Velrin is the best.