My first impression of the Nordost Valhallas.

I just received the shipment of Valhalla cables (interconnects and speaker cables)from the Cable company to audition these cables.
I am still waiting for a few other cables, which I plan to compare against the Valhallas. I will report these findings next week.
But my first impression of the Valhallas was gigantic. The best of the best!! I cannot believe that people are out there bashing these cables. Please let us not get into an argument about there price here.
Its like saying a Porsche is an inferior car because it is so expensive.
Its another story if this amount of money is justified for any cable, but this cables are just awesome. I am sure you know by now, that Endlish is not my mother tongue, so I am lacking some of the vocabulary to describe these cables. But I tell you that this is a league of cables, where only a few other cables have a chance to follow. I can only advise anybody to try to borrow these cables from the Cable company and hear with his own ears, how magnificient these cables are.
I have nothing else to say, but once I have compared the Valhallas to the rest of the cables I am getting in, I will post another thread here.
adsal and greg, i have been reviewing my correspondence with Kharma and from what Charles van Oosterum wrote the Enigma cable is not yet on the market or even priced. this info is within the last month. i don't pretend to know the facts on this issue but your information is in conflict with what i have heard from the Kharma owner, Mr. van Oosterum. very curious.

the name "Enigma" is used by Kharma ( because in 1992 Mr. van Oosterum built a $1m custom speaker system called the "Grand Enigma". at this time there is no info on the Kharma web site regarding the "Enigma" cable. if you look at the Siltech site and look at the G5 line i assume there will be similarities (but i don't know this for sure).
Tekunda: no, unfortunately! Mike, thanks, I'll check this out with dealers. I heard about the Siltech engineer setting up shop alone (i.e. not w/ Kharma) and purportedly calling his cables "Enigma", a few months ago.

Sorry for the confusion, I should have qualified my info above as a "rumour".

Danielk141, if you buy a $40K joule electra tube amp or similar mated to $40K -$80K of Wilson speakers etc. then the valhallahs are only 20% - 10% of the price of the components. Easily within your rule.

You are right on. It is all relative. My house is worth 150K & for $3300.00 I'd prefer to buy used Aleph 2s or used Maggie 3.6s....
If I hit the lottery, I'll become an "Original Owner". I go over my wish list during the interminably boring meetings at work, or when I'm stuck waiting in line, etc.