Importance of Power Conditioner?

I currently using an old Adcom "power enhancer" and pondering power cable upgrades from stock, etc.

If I spend hundreds on a power cable from my source or amps to the power conditioner, how important is the conditioner?

Given finite resources, where should the money go, power cords or power conditioner. Or how would you spend the next $1k , 1 Wolff at $600 or ...?

System electronics
Meridian 508.24
Meridian Preamp
VAC PA 100/100
Dedicated lines first. If money is a factor (isn't it always) go with a power cord to your source. That, alone, will tittilate your tympanics. You can work your way up from there. Remember, when you move up to a power conditioner, you have to figure outlet to PC, then cords to electronics. I'd put the best cord from your PC to electronics. I'm an electric junkie, but it has worked beautifully in my system. Can get crazy.
Bombaywalla, your statement was in fact non-sensical and self-contradictory. And I will not apologize for pointing that out.

You asked "What is wrong with stating 'There are no absolute truths in audio'?"

Well, I see at least 4 errors with your questionable statement and thought process:

1. I don't know you, but I think it's pretty safe to say that you are not omniscient (all knowing). Not even in the audio realm. But such a lofty statement as yours would seem to imply that you have special or divine insight into the audio realm that negates everything everybody said before now and everything they may say from here on out.

2. You don't seem to understand that when you make the declaration about no absolute truths in audio, you are actually declaring an absolute truth in audio. Thereby contradicting the very tenet you are attempting to establish or defend.

3. In effect, you are attempting to negate every posting and poster that trys to establish or share potential truths with others. In other words, if what you say is true about no absolute truths, then nobody including you has any business to post anything other than the following:

a. "I don't know."
b. "My truth is not your truth. So go ahead and make something up. I did."
c "There are no absolute truths in audio."

And any other response would be erroneous.

4. By making such a statement, you are, in effect, attempting to elevate yourself over every other person that stands by certain, potential, and/or absolute truths.

You asked "why are you nit-picking on this statement?" I hope my statement above answers that question.

And lastly, I also disagree with your statement regarding my question to you about absolute truths being irrelevant to this forum. It was you who brought up the topic and I'm willing to bet dollars to doughnuts that this philosophy you espouse in audio is simply a reflection of the philosophies you espouse at a heart level about many other things. If that is true, then you brought an off-shoot of your philosophies or faith into this thread. And since my faith is filled with absolute truths, I felt compelled to address your statement.

But to prove to you that there are absolute truths in audio and beyond, I will give you just a few examples for audio reproduction:

1. A source is absolutely required for playback.
2. A power source is absolutely required to power source.
3. A speaker or headphone is absolutely required.
4. A remote is absolutely required.
5. We are both absolutely sharing in this correspondence. (for if it were not so, then one of us is typing and the other doesn't exist).

Bombaywalla, you obviously felt compelled to share your beliefs in this public forum and you have that right. My beliefs compelled me to respond to your beliefs and I also have that right.

Well Psychic, how did I do?

Stehno,you don't need no stinkin' remote! Lazy Dog! My first Audio Research system didn't. Of course, being equally spoiled and lazy I have one now. BTW, I laughed when I read your original critism, because logically you cannot claim "There are no absolute truths in audio!" because in it's emphatic statement it proclaims an absolute truth. "There are probably no absolute truths in audio" would have been logical.