I have just bought an Electraglide Fatman 2000 Gold. It is standard terminated with a 20 amp US wallplug. As I live in Norway, we operate on 240 volt. I have tried to find a receptable with the same pin configuration as the US 20 amp receptable which handles 240V with no luck. So I turned to Scott Hall from Electraglide for help. First he suggested that I use a standard 20 amp 120V US wall receptable. I called a local electrician to have him install it. He wouldn`t do it because it was only rated 120V and he also told me that me home insurance will not cover damages if I used this receptable. I checked this out and it turned out to be correct. I turned to Scott Hall again, told him what my electrician had said and asked him if he knew any receptables which would do or if he could reterminate the cord. The answer I got from him was this:

"Just put the Damn 20 amp us receptacle in!!!!!!!!How much more blunt can I be do it yourself!!!!!!Scott"

This means I probably will not be able to use the Fatman cord I bought. I think companies selling products at this pricelevel which provides such lousy service not to deserve to be in business. Therefor I want to warn you about Electraglide and also encourage you to stay away from them as I will.
You have gotten a couple of things wrong. I don`t intend on using my component in the US. I will be using it in Norway. I do agree with you concerning the fact that I should make sure wether the component will work in my country or not. However Scott Hall has prior to the purchase told me that he has sold several cords in my part of the world. I therefor assumed that Electraglides cord could be used here as well. This is however not the point I am trying to make. My point is that their way of handling customer service is unacceptable. Also if he think the problem is mine to solve, why don`t he say so. Instead he is trying to make me do something which is against regulations in my country.
Rhagen: U.S. washers and dryers (and some air conditioners) used to be commonly placed on 220 volt lines and I assume that the wall outlets would have been rated for such (not 110). Does anyone know if this is the case? Maybe 220 volts would be close enough for code.
Regardless of who is at "fault" here, there was no call for him to be rude. These types of issues must come up from time to time to a company that sells internationally. If I had made a similar response to a customer at my job, my head would be on a platter. Not to mention the possibility of danger to you and your family if you mess around with the electrical code. These guys need to refund your money and I'd make a stink so bad, they'd airmail express me my check just to keep my mouth shut. Best of luck.
Okay everyone.
Thanks for your support.
I just got a call from the dealer I bought the cord from.
Scott Hall is now willing to reterminate the cord with the plug which is required in my country. I thank Scott Hall and hope that we have both learned from this. If I enjoy his cord as much as I think I will, I will still consider his products in the future.