i need cable for SF EXTREMA

i"m looking for a cable to the extrema.
now i have "straight wire virtuoso" and i want a better
(my amp is levinson 23.5)
oh, good, another ben (non-member, unverified) and another stupid question about what cable mates best with some outmoded italian speaker. try using the search function here. if that doesn't work, go out and listen to some stuff. you are most welcome. ~larry, moe and curly
Ben my friend is using the The JPS Labs Superconductor+ Speaker Cables that list for $1149 per 8' pair. These cables sound great with the Extremas. Other cables i recommend, MIT 750 Magnum cables. Joe Abrams sells them for 1100$ Here's the link. http://gonmain.iserver.net/cgi-bin/cl.pl?cablspkr&1000155891&class&3&4& MIT 750 Shotgun speaker cables and the Synergistic Resolution Reference - 8ft speaker cables