counterfeit NBS cables

.Anybody heard anything about forging NBS cables, or any other cables for that matter? I was warned by Walter Fields of NBS, as well as other NBS dealers (like the cable company) not to purchase NBS cables on the used market lest they be fakes. On the other hand, when I suggested Fields to help me and check the used cables for their authenticity, he refused. I find this all disconcerting.
even used counterfeit nbs cables are overpriced. least that's my view, FWIW. -kelly
There are two issues here. The first is, that it is in the interest of the manufacturer to put his (or her) hands on the forges, and having people send their cables in is exactly one way of doing that. It might also be a step in tracing their illegal origin. The second is that a stable secondhand market is no less important for the success of a product than a firsthand market. People who buy new cables would like to know that they would be able to sell them one day. Whereas, spreading suspicion around would work in the opposite direction.
Either NBS cables are so shoddy that anyone can make a clone (thus they obviously aren't worth their price) or this guy just wants to sell new cables. If he's inferring that anyone can clone his cables, then there is obviously nothing to them that warrants their price. Even still, who would take the time and expense to clone cables?
Waler Fields is a greedy bastard. Try calling him up and see for yourself. Ever notice why all of his ads in magazines mention nothing of dealers only "buy factory direct" this is because he is so greedy that he chooses to eliminate the dealers all together and make the middle man profit himself. The cables themselves have been dissected, search over at, and have been found to be nothing more than factory belden cable. Yes, there was a guy selling "replica" NBS stuff but it did not have the NBS logo, which could easily be done with a typewriter and some scotch tape for those of you who have seen NBS stuff. The guy was honest and said that it was the exact same cable at a fraction of the price. Same shielding, cable, neutrix connectors, sheathing..everything. Walter sent him a scary letter and the guy stopped. The fact that he wouldn't verify his customers or potential customers cable is appalling. I would tell him to go F himself and buy a different cable brand. What happens if your connector breaks, will he repair it or ask for an original sales receipt and charge you to fix it because you werent the original owner? I had all NBS now I have all Nordost. The reason? All other cable manufacturers buy their cable but Nordost makes it. It is proprietary and I know they make it solely for audio. In any event, I know what I am getting is different, not necessarily better, and I have no fear of the same cable being sold for 1/10 of it's price by a different cable company "relabeling" the same cable. My opinion: forget NBS, forget Walter Fields and let the rest of the "suckers" buy factory direct. If he continues this way, there will soon be no factory at all.
Magnan had fake copies of the Vi going around. He checked mine and verified that they were real and then upgraded them for me(They had no serial #).