Where should the Whale Elite rest?

I found that to plug the BMI Whale Elite into the power conditioner got the biggest improvement. I did try it on the CDP, Pre and Power. However, the biggest sonic improvement is from the power conditioner, then the pre. I don't know why? Any comments?
Rev Joe & Mwalsdor,
Sorry, but can't resist.....You must have BIG listening rooms compared to mine to fit in all those mammals. Do they cause reflection problems with that shiny skin? Hose 'em down every few hours to keep them living?

Please don't send down the designer/manufacturer for revenge to my bad jokes..... I've seen pix of his arms! ;-)

HaH! Guy came over last weekend, a cable and cord hound, and he was impressed by the heft of the "Big Boys"!
Lots of laugh. Good to see some sense of humor on the site.
I have 4 Whales and have impressive results hooked up to the
PS 600 power plant. I have all my equipment plugged into it except the power amp. It was night and day when I hooked up the Whale. The Whale brought the soundstage out and dynamics with very tight bass.
Timber>Four Whales! My God! I've got two plugged into my Shunyata Hydra PLC. Did you notice, if applicable, that with each succesive Whale that you were getting too much of its signature in the System. I'm assuming your running Whales exclusively, I'm using Vioers and Sidewinders in addition. Specifically, was/is the bass over the top with four Whales?
