www.high-endaudio.com & Arthur Salvatore

I just stumbled on this web site while googling and surfing. He has some interesting things to say, and I examined his "Recommended Components" list with interest.

Question: Accepting the premise that one man's opinion is exactly that, has anyone here confirmed or disagreed with 1) his equipment observations, 2) his views on the state of audio journalism?
I have read and re-read his website many times, and, based on his recommendations, purchased many of the LPs and some of the equipment he recommends.
I have found that he has never steered me wrong as far as audio goes. I stopped buying certain record labels, and started purchasing certain other labels, and never have I heard better sound. I also bought a denon cart, and like it. I can't afford many of the other products, but if I could I would likely purchase the recommended components before any other brands. The exception I made recently was a pair of Axiom M80Ti's, which had recommendations from just about everyone. I was not disappointed, fortunately.
I've read his site many times and some of the things he notes make you wonder about the "ethics" of the audio press. I agree with what he says about many of the components on his list (Spicss TC50s, the Well Tempered Turntable and the Linn (overrated and overpriced)) so his reviews generally seem pretty solid. But, as always, let your ears do the listening before you make any serious purchases (or buy stuff used on Audiogon... at least you can sell it back without a major loss).